Château Grillet

  • In the vineyard - Weather
  • harvests
  • style of the wines
  • Warm and humid weather during winter encouraged an early start of the vegetation. Vine growth continued serenely thanks to a mild and dry spring. Good weather conditions and low levels of coulure during flowering suggested better yields for this vintage. The above-average rainfall in July and August slowed down the véraison (noted on the 5th of August) and stimulated grass growth which required intensive tillage. Summery weather conditions returned progressively and lasted until harvest.
  • Harvest took place from Monday 15th to Thursday 18th of September.
    The harvest volume almost doubled compared to the 2013 vintage, thanks largely to the cultivation practices, which have been implemented in the vineyard for several years now (ploughing, organic and biodynamic cultures…).
  • Thanks to the level of maturity that was reached, the 2014 vintage is characterised by a balance between power and complexity whilst retaining the freshness, tension and elegance which make Château-Grillet unique.