Château Grillet

  • In the vineyard - Weather
  • harvests
  • style of the wines
  • This vintage saw very balanced climatic conditions.
    The autumn was warm and the winter started mild. December saw some very cold days, however (-5°C), and rainfall well above the seasonal average. Winter 2010 was one of the coldest in the Rhône in the past fifteen years. The extreme cold was beneficial for the vines, as it wiped out disease. January was harsh, with abundant winds and snow. Spring was slow to arrive, with cold, wet conditions in April and May, and the summer hot, pleasant without being extreme.

    The vegetative cycle was delayed by the cold, wet spring, and both bud burst and flowering were late. By contrast, véraison took place rapidly. The damp weather in the spring caused some disease, like oïdium and mildew. In some parcels yields were reduced owing to poor fruit set.
  • The climate in September was ideal, with plenty of warmth and sun, and cool nights.
  • Attractive grapefruit aroma, good fruit with apricot and floral notes.
    Slightly acid and lemony on the palate, with very nice wild peach flavours.
    Overall, very well balanced, full with a nice creamy texture.